Join us!
Sunday Morning Worship- 11:00 AM
Sunday School- 10:00 AM
Choir Practice- 10:40 AM
Why We Worship:
In worship, we come together in devotion to God by singing, praying, confessing, fellowshipping, and celebrating together what God has done (and is doing) in our lives!
We celebrate the unconditional love, the boundless grace and forgiveness, and the promise of love and protection we receive from God each and everyday. The Moravian Church believes we should approach worship (and all of life) with the intention of connecting with and celebrating our relationship with God and with one another, and striving to follow Christ’s example living in faith, love, and hope.
Recognizing that every congregation worships and expresses thanksgiving differently, here is a little about how we worship:
Hymn-singing is a large part of Moravian worship, as our hymns express our faith. While the typical service involves congregational singing, piano and/or organ music, our recent worship has also included: guitars, banjos, brass, and on a few occasions, even a harp.
Moravia follows the liturgical seasons of the church and engages in varying forms of liturgical expression, most commonly praying together from the Moravian Book of Worship.
We take time to greet each other and connect during worship, sharing our joys and concerns in weekly prayers, because praying together is a vital part of our discipleship and fellowship as a community.
Typical Order of Service
Welcome and Announcements
Greeting your neighbor!
An arrangement of hymns and liturgical responses
Scripture Readings
Community and Intercessory Prayer
Offertory and Choral Anthem
Scripture Reading